back to reality
Who was hovering over Jerusalem? and why?
Photograph was taken by my daughter, © 1998 Yael Tal
from her balcony in Jerusalem. The buildings of the
Israeli Government, Parliament & Supreme Court
are standing within the dark area down there . . .

three dim lights in the dark . . .
UFO, aliens, alienage, deception, abuse of power, social injustice, organized crime, political corruption, injustice, corruption, fraud, coverup, hypocrisy, democracy,
civil service, judicial system, high court, supreme court, alienation, restorative justice, Jerusalem, Jeruslaem, Yerushalaiym, Zion, Al-Quds, Israel, Yisrael, Palestine, Palestina
© 1998-2001 Doron A. Tal, Karmiel, Israel