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My Articles & Reviews
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- American policy regarding immigration
There is no questioning the fact that American employers discriminate against aliens in employment.
- How do some Americans abuse foreigners?
Greedy employers abuse any means (legal and illegal) if they think they won't get caught.
- Why do some Americans abuse foreigners?
The Executive Branch does practically nothing to enforce the law over greedy employers! Read an outstanding forecast made in 1934.
- Do Americans sustain slavery
of aliens? Civil-Rights List 1995
- Debates on Pubpol-L
- American Style Apartheid
Beware, strong opinions are expressed within this page, which is devoted to the countless victims of discrimination by the American Judicial System.
Site owner's publications on
NewsGroups and
References Outstanding resources on the web
Abolish the "Service"
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My case as an example
Exposing injustice in the US justice system
Other Great Pages
- Dr. Tavel's Immigration Page
it's not a lawyer commercial
- Do immigrants hurt the economy?
Recall how this nation came about
- US Citizen or State Citizen?
Is there a difference?
- Whither America, Whither the World
How does hypocrisy undermine democracy paving the way for neo-slavery, promoting apathy and ultimate abuse
- Articles from the Golem
Great Pages & Articles
- US firms blocking stem cell research
the treatment of major diseases is blocked because of greed
- Uncle Sam pushes the buttons
UN shields for U$ Imperialism
- The Sup Ct Anomalous Approach
to Alienage Discrimination Welfare Reform Law deny public benefits to legal immigrants in the USA
- The roots of the evil
How and why is the legal system in such a terrible condition? by Ronald Bibace Constitutional Guardians of America
- Why Alienage Jurisdiction?
Historical Foundations and Modern Justifications for Federal Jurisdiction Over Disputes Involving Noncitizens
- Obstruction of Justice
Involvement of federal judges and Supreme Court justices through coverups and obstruction of justice in serious criminal and subversive activities
- PATRICK Crusade
Examines the Case of Patrick Swiney corruption within the Legal System. A group of people alligned to replace injustice and cruelty in prisons with humanitarianism.
- Crime and Punishment in America
Is there ANY Justice in the U.S. Criminal Justice System?
- BAD Judges AND
What to Do About Them
- Corruption in Michigan Courts
Herein THE TRUTH unlike in the court room
- Project On Government Oversight
- Gov`t Corruption
Introduction and description of widespread government corruption
- Heritage
Organized Crime, Organized Labor, and Corruption Of The Federal Grants Process
- Fraud, Waste & Abuse
Government Waste Hotline 1-800-336-8218
- Defrauding America
interesting book by Rodney Stich
- Corporate Criminals of the 1990's
- Clearcut for Corporate America
Native Americans are speaking
- Public Denied Hearing at Public Hearing
- Abuses and Usurpations
- Indiana Dave
What is the argument of tyrants? What is the creed of slaves? Are taxes imposed for personal profits? Who does make criminals and why?
- What does Future in America Hold?
What traits are needed to support the pillar?
- The U.S. Constitution
Its Sources and Its Applications
- Crime Connections on the Web
an outstanding directory (but long)
- Ideals of Freedom in America
Get priorities in the right order!
- Stop Child Abuse (touchy)
- Writings of Claire Wolf
Courtesy Liberty Activists - quite serious !