I wish to let people who were abused know that they have choices other than to be victims. Responses herein would show more than two sides of the coin. |
![]() 8th Guestbook 19 entries 8 Aug 2000 - 22 Feb 2001 7th Guestbook 21 entries 11 Nov 1999 - 9 Jul 2000 6th Guestbook 17 entries 19 Jul 1999 - 11 Nov 1999 5th Guestbook 18 entries 24 Mar 1999 - 19 Jul 1999 4th Guestbook 15 entries 14 Sep 1998 - 24 Mar 1999 3rd Guestbook 15 entries 25 May 1998 - 14 Sep 1998 2nd Guestbook 17 entries 17 Feb 1998 - 21 May 1998 1st Guestbook 18 entries 13 Oct 1997 - 8 Feb 1998 |
I may disagree with what you have to say,
but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it. -Voltaire (1694-1778)
Webmaster may clean up any commercials, rude language, wordy message, or large pic files.
It may take 24 hours for a message to appear on these pages.
Signed by: Al Loy - August 2005
My Email: al.loy@lawyerintl.com
My URL: http://LawyerIntl.com
Where are you from?: New Jersey
Have you been a victim of corruption?: Yes
Would you like to share your story?: Yes
Signed by: lamyracle - May 2005
My Email: lamyracle@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: az usa
Signed by: William Wallace - May 2005
My Email: cossamap1@hotmail.com
Comments: No to War – Australia : Highly Recommended Sites BUSHBUSTERS
1. Bush Family Quiz
2. Bush Family Quiz - Answers
3. Republican Chickenhawk Hall of Fame... [and more]
Signed by: chuck - April 2005
My Email: kai_yisrael@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: california
Have you been a victim of corruption?: no
Signed by: Amy M - Wed, 2 Mar 2005 20:21:53 -0800 (PST)
My Email: writingamy@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Bay Area
Have you been a victim of corruption?: MORE THAN ONCE!
Would you like to share your story?: YES
Signed by: John Hewitt - January 2005
My Email: john.hewitt22@ntlworld.com
My URL: www.sexandphilosophy.co.uk
Where are you from?: UK
Have you been a victim of corruption?: Yes
Would you like to share your story?: Yes
Signed by: fun grusskarten e-mail - Mon, 22 Nov 2004 02:58:56 -0800 (PST)
Where are you from? : Germany
Comment : your site is very nice, go on with the good work.
Signed by: love e-mail - Sat, 6 Nov 2004 18:48:45 -0800 (PST)
Where are you from? : earth
Have you been a victim of corruption?: havent we all
Comment : i just wanted to get my opinion out there so here goes:
i was just looking up the ballot measure results and it looks like 11 states have banned gay marraige.
i just cant see how we can call america a free country and then lay down all these stupid restri...
[truncated by Yahoo system]
Signed by: Sammy Ray McKnight e-mail - Oct 2004
Where are you from? : USA
Have you been a victim of corruption?: Yes
Would you like to share your story?: Yes
Comment : I would like to make you aware of the current Department of
Defense policies and procedures concerning employment of annuitants that targets a select group of people by their age and discrminates against them and myself.
Signed by: Seinor Burtito e-mail - Oct 2004
Where are you from? : Mexico
Have you been a victim of corruption?: Yes
Would you like to share your story?: Yes
Comment : I abuse my children all the time.
They dont seem to mind, well at least they know that if they do ill kill them.
Signed by: Steve - Tue, 5 Oct 2004 20:01:28 +0200 (IST)
Where are you from? : CA
Have you been a victim of corruption?: yes
Would you like to share your story?: maybe
Comment : What about the media? they also abuse the power of free speech.
Signed by: John e-mail
Where are you from? : England
Have you been a victim of corruption?: Oh Yes
Would you like to share your story?: Fear stops me
Comment : Like Boris I too am treated as if I am not human in Israel.
I am English but am mistaken for a Russian Immigrant due to my appearance.
I fear for the future and suffer as you have.
Signed by: Elaine/Brasil+Henrique/Portugal e-mail - Sun, 12 Sep 2004 04:23:08 +0300 (IDT)
URL : www.sokarinhos.com.br
Where are you from? : Cuiabá/Brasil
Comment : With all karess ,we send you our Friendship´s 2004- Award please,take it
a kindly kiss from our heart to yours,also to your Country
Signed by: yair lapid - Sat, 11 Sep 2004 21:46:36 +0300
My Email: yair007@walla.co.il
Where are you from?: israel
Have you been a victim of corruption?: no
Signed by: Gregory Kogan - Fri, 6 Aug 2004 20:02:29 -0700 (PDT)
My Email: greg_kogan@inbox.ru
My URL: http://www.justresponse.net/Kogan.html
Where are you from?: Russia
Have you been a victim of corruption?: Yes!!!
Would you like to share your story?: Yes!!!
Signed by: henry - Wed, 14 Jul 2004 01:57:33 -0700 (PDT)
My Email: yinyan_12345@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: israel
Have you been a victim of corruption?: yes
Would you like to share your story?: maybe
Signed by: Tim - Sat, 22 May 2004 15:56:51 -0700 (PDT)
My Email: tim@mchoon.net
My URL: http://www.troubledteensprograms.com
Where are you from?: AZ
Have you been a victim of corruption?: no
Would you like to share your story?: no
Signed by: Shimshon - Sat, 22 May 2004 05:42:44 -0700 (PDT)
My Email: shimshon_9@hotmail.com
My URL: http://www.shimshon9.tk
Where are you from?: Israel
Have you been a victim of corruption?: no
Would you like to share your story?: I am not paranoid but I was never victim of corruption so I have no story to share...
Anyway you have a nice site. Keep on the good work!
Signed by: Deva - Sun, 11 Apr 2004 21:27:55 PDT
My Email: webmaster@escapemiami.com
My URL: www.escapemiami.com
Where are you from?: Miami
Have you been a victim of corruption?: 34 years
Would you like to share your story?: yes
Comments: Hello and thank you for sharing this important informative vibrant interesting web site. I can see that it contains much important vital data and information that affects human and Earth and Universe kind in so many wonderful important ways! I will return
Signed by: John E. Denison - Wed, 17 Mar 2004 12:49:06 PST
My Email: webmaster@focusonyourlife.net
My URL: www.focusonyourlife.net
Where are you from?: Dallas & Germany
Have you been a victim of corruption?: oh yeah
Would you like to share your story?: sure
Comments: my story is on my website
Signed by: J R - Wed, 10 Mar 2004 12:52:34 -0800 (PST)
My URL: Headlines From Across The Globe
Where are you from?: us
Any input from you would be appreciated.
Signed by: James & Kim - June 2003
My Email: kikida88@netzero.com
Where are you from?: Ventura/Merced
Have you been a victim of corruption?: YES, we refer to it as The J & K Conspiracy
Would you like to share your story?: Yes, very soon, need to gather more specifics
Signed by: Stephan Brookes - May 2003
My Email: stephanb@addr.com
Where are you from?: Denever
Have you been a victim of corruption?: Yes
Would you like to share your story?: Yes
An H-1B crying.........go back home where you belong!
It's laughable how your "foreigners" cry about Americans loving money,
when you foreigners are the biggest money-grubbing hustlers around!
You are surely the perfect example of the old saying - "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing!".
Comments: Please go home!
Signed by: raymond - Fri, 5 Jul 2002 19:59:49 -0700 (PDT)
My URL: http://www.oocities.org/rblackburn45/index3.html
My Email: rblackburn45@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: tx
Have you been a victim of corruption?: yes
Would you like to share your story?: on my url
Have a new url with all the news no one ever sees on the nightly news media's.
Signed by: Can not honestly tell you at the moment - Mon, 10 Jun 2002 02:29:13 -0700 (PDT)
My Email: nov34@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Canada
Have you been a victim of corruption?: yes
Would you like to share your story?: not yet
Have you been a victim of corruption?: Hahaahahahaha that's (your story is) nothing
You should see how Sears treats the H1B employees.... Wow !!! I feel sorry for them...
Would you like to share your story?:
Well they lost me as a customer and, thousands of my friends also.
They also sell defective appliances that are known to burn down houses and, still sell them to this date under the Kenmore name. My advice for companies such as Sears....Spread the word As word of mouth advertising is known to be the best or, worst (as in Sears case) advertising a company can have.
Signed by: Dean & Justins Political Journal - Mon, 3 Jun 2002 20:52:37 -0700 (PDT)
My URL: http://dean-justinspoliticaljournal.cafeprogressive.com
My Email: deanjustinspoliticaljournal@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: SF CA US
Have you been a victim of corruption?: GW Bush
(although the Israelis are not without their faults)
Signed by: Patrick O'Flaherty - Tue, 23 Apr 2002 11:04:07 -0400
My URL: http://www.oflaherty.com/NotHumanAnswers.htm
My Email: patrick@oflaherty.com
Where are you from?: Ohio, USA
Have you been a victim of corruption?: I have not been a victim but know others have.
Would you like to share your story?: Here it is -
Comments: This whole Rabin scandal has interested me, and by "fluke" I landed here.
It's very well put together, and I commend the webmaster in this site.
Yasher Koach.
Signed by: Jerry scovel - Thu, 21 Mar 2002 15:30:22 -0600
My Email:stcfarms@netexpress.net
Would you like to share your story?: YES
Comments: The only way that we will ever have true democracy is
to fire all the people in our governments
and make it possible for everyone to vote on any issue.
Jerry scovel.
Signed by: Carol Valentine - Sat, 2 Mar 2002 10:54:00 -0800 (PST)
My URL:http://www.Public-Action.com
My Email:SkyWriter@Public-Action.com
Where are you from?: USA
Have you been a victim of corruption?: YES
Would you like to share your story?: YES
Comments: Please see "STOP THIEF!"
It is a story of what whistleblowers face in the USA.
Signed by: Happy American college student who hates noone - Thu, 28 Feb 2002 16:49:58 -0800 (PST)
Where are you from?: I love USA
Have you been a victim of corruption?: only by you
Comments: Check this
Signed by: Matt - Tue, 12 Feb 2002 09:18:06 -0800 (PST)
My URL:http://geocities.com/evononsense/
My Email:saviourmachine27@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Colorado
Have you been a victim of corruption?: No
Would you like to share your story?: sure
Comments: My feeling is that there won't be peace until a leadership is put in place for the Palastinians that is not anti-Israel and anti-United States. Under the current terrorist leadership it is impossible to achieve peace.
Signed by: Ramkumar - Tue, 29 Jan 2002 22:32:38 -0800 (PST)
My Email:ramkumar_g@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: INDIA
Comments: American Justice is a joke, when its analysed in detail. If you are
POWERFUL, nobody can mess with you in the US notven the Justice Dept. In
America all are equal before the law. But some are MORE EQUAL then others.
Signed by: William Boyle - Sat, 12 Jan 2002 13:21:51 -0800 (PST)
My URL:www.oocities.org/sibriv1/sibabuse.html
My Email:wboyle@smart.net
Where are you from?: USA
Have you been a victim of corruption?: Haven't we all?
Comments: Hello Doron:Perhaps you - or maybe one of your visitors - can tell me why James Albus' plan for universal prosperity never received serious consideration - I'd certainly call this a case of abuse of power…
See: http://members.aol.com/jsalbus/
Signed by: Rachmiel Ben Yosef - Sun, 6 Jan 2002 10:57:49 -0800 (PST)
My Email:Rrachmiel@aol.com
Where are you from?: colorado
Have you been a victim of corruption?: yes
Would you like to share your story?: later
Outstanding , we must have more brave and honerable souls to stand up to the NWO and get the truth out.
Shalom Rachmiel
Signed by: William Antonio Boyle, Ph.D. - 30 Dec 2001 22:46:59 -0800
My Email:wboyle@altavista.com
My URL:"The most complex structure in the known universe is each human mind."
Comments: for the new year's eve... Heaven and Hell A rabbi had a conversation with the Lord about Heaven and Hell.
"I'll show you Hell," said the Lord and led the rabbi into a room in the
middle of which was a very big round table.
The people sitting at it were famished and desperate.
In the middle of the table there was a large pot of stew, enough and more
for everyone.
The smell of the stew was delicious and made the rabbi's mouth water.
The people around the table were holding spoons with very long handles.
Each one found that it was just possible to reach the pot to take a spoonful
of the stew, but because the handle of the spoon was longer than a man's
arm, he could not get the food back into his mouth.
The rabbi saw that their suffering was terrible.
"Now I will show you Heaven," said the Lord, and they went into another room
exactly the same as the first.
There was the same big round table and the same pot of stew.
The people, as before, were equipped with the same long-handled spoons - but
here they were well-nourished and plump, laughing and talking.
At first, the rabbi could not understand.
"It is simple, but it requires a certain skill," said the Lord.
"You see, they have learned to feed each other."
- From "The Dark Side of Love; The Positive Role of Our Negative Feelings
- Anger, Jealousy and Hate." by Jane G. Goldberg, Putnam, (1993).
With my best wishes to you and your visitors for 2002,
William Antonio Boyle, Ph.D.
Signed by: Peter Mitchell - Sun, 23 Dec 2001 08:19:25 -0800 (PST)
My Email:Peter.mitchell@blueyonder.co.uk
Where are you from?: England
Have you been a victim of corruption?: No
A wonderful site.
The music here is very well produced and I look forward to calling back again soon.
Regards to you all, Pete
Signed by: Eric D. Webb - Thu, 20 Dec 2001 01:09:16 -0800 (PST)
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/webbgodzilla/WEBBGODZILLA.html
My Email:WEBBGODZILLA@aol.com
Where are you from?: Lexington, KY
Have you been a victim of corruption?: yes
Would you like to share your story?: sure
Please see the e-mail attachment.
Signed by: Alan Ireland - Wed, 19 Dec 2001 01:03:19 -0800 (PST)
My URL:http://www.adilbookz.com
My Email:adilbookz@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: New Zealand
Have you been a victim of corruption?: As a journalist, I have been a victim of censorship.
Would you like to share your story?: Someday.
Your website is interesting, and is certainly worth a second look - and perhaps a third look!
On my website, I am publishing critical comments from New Zealand about the war against terrorism.
Signed by: ShameH1B - Tue, 18 Dec 2001 10:26:55 -0800 (PST)
My URL:http://www.ZaZona.com
My Email:ShameH1B@ZaZona.com
Where are you from?: Arizona
Have you been a victim of corruption?: yes
This site is great. I appreciate the link you have provided to my website because I'm getting traffic from people clicking on it. Keep up the good work and I will provide a crosslink.
Signed by: Sonja Jackson-Hohensee - Tue, 20 Nov 2001 00:43:54 -0800 (PST)
My Email:roho830@home.com
Where are you from?: Garland, TX
Have you been a victim of corruption?: Yes, but more my daughter than me
Would you like to share your story?: Yes
My ex-husband filed for divorce immediately after he was confronted
with sexually abusing our 5-yr-old daughter. Later, I learned he had also sexually
abused his step-daughter from a previous marriage. He admitted this (once caught) to court-appointed psy
Signed by: Mikael - Thu, 8 Nov 2001 08:05:31 -0800 (PST)
So... ackording to you this year is the year 101 ?
Signed by: Franky - Mon, 24 Sep 2001 14:10:42 -0700 (PDT)
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/AmericanOutreach
My Email:franky8782@gmx.de
Where are you from?: Germany
Have you been a victim of corruption?: no
Would you like to share your story?: -
this is a good site and supports all peoples thoughts of peace. i am trying the same with my page although i am just showing pictures. keep going!!
Signed by: ferganoid - Thu, 6 Sep 2001 02:30:05 -0700 (PDT)
My URL:http://stopabuse.org/HRUK.html
My Email:feeheny@email.com
Where are you from?: uk
Have you been a victim of corruption?: yes
Would you like to share your story?: no
One way to stop abuse is information. This page is a name and shame blacklist of abusers.
Signed by: ferganoid - Wed, 5 Sep 2001 08:36:03 -0700 (PDT)
My URL:http://actiondirect.homestead.com
My Email:abusestop@email.com
Where are you from?: uk
Have you been a victim of corruption?: yes
Would you like to share your story?: no
Many abuse survivors end up living on the streets and reciev no help.
Signed by: Little Muslimah - Wed, 22 Aug 2001 01:07:38 -0700 (PDT)
My URL:http://littlemuslimah.homestead.com
My Email:littlemuslimah@themasjid.every1.net
Where are you from?: KSA
Have you been a victim of corruption?: yes-no
In my country I find only peace - as muslims, we believe in peace and respect. When we travel to USA... it is another story... people show only meaness - so much prejudice... we have had people spit on us for no other reason than for being Muslims. many p
[message truncated to 255 characters due to Yahoo!'s system setup]
Signed by: Dean & Justin’s Political Journal - Tue, 31 Jul 2001 18:21:21 -0700 (PDT)
My URL:http://dean-justinspoliticaljournal.cafeprogressive.com
My Email:DeanJustinsPJ@aol.com
Where are you from?: CA
Our web site is a progressive, alternative source of news and
information regarding Resident-Select Bush, the Bush Regime, Political News,
the Environment, Rights for All, The Celebration of Cultural Diversity Around The
World, The Arts, Progressive News
Signed by: amira - Thu, 26 Jul 2001 04:44:50 -0700 (PDT)
My URL:http://www.church-of-rabin.tripod.com/amira.htm
Please read about what happened to Amira Hass and Haaretz
Signed by: a friend of the Constitution - Wed, 25 Jul 2001 20:42:16 -0700 (PDT)
My Email: jeroboamfs@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: MD, USA
Have you been a victim of corruption?: We all are
Dear Friend, Some Americans abuse Aliens....only some. I am a US citizen, born here.
I realize that government on every level in this country is corrupt.
It's the biggest plague in this nation.
I am well sick of the abuse of power in this nation . . .
Signed by: Joris Guido - Fri, 8 Jun 2001 04:02:19 -0700 (PDT)
My Email: jorisguido@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: belgiumG
Have you been a victim of corruption?: yes
Would you like to share your story?: i do not know
Tx fir the articles very interesting i will visit your site with my wife and
we will read carefully Do not despait i believe we are living in the most corrupt
country of the world: "Belgium" Shalom we love israel
Signed by: Nancy - Thu, 31 May 2001 07:12:34 -0700 (PDT)
Where are you from?: United States
Have you been a victim of corruption?: It would be foolish to say no.
Until it effects our own lives we remain blind. By remaining blind it will unexpectedly be at our doorsteps. Always doubt, always keep your eyes opened.
Signed by: pat magroin - Tue, 22 May 2001 07:32:55 -0700 (PDT)
Would you like to share your story?: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Signed by: korin - Thu, 17 May 2001 14:22:55 -0700 (PDT)
My URL:http://www.korin.jemix.co.il
Where are you from?: israel
i just wanted to say i do love your site and i will be back soon!
Thank You for a wonderful time
Signed by: Nahum Shahaf - Tue, 8 May 2001 15:54:36 -0700 (PDT)
My Email: natop@netvision.net.il
Where are you from?: israel
Have you been a victim of corruption?: no
Signed by: Liat Ofri - Mon, 30 Apr 2001 04:39:36 -0700 (PDT)
My Email: lofri@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Australia
Have you been a victim of corruption?: my family, missing Yemenite child, read bellow
My mother was born with her twin brother in Yaffo in 1950.
The time when Yeminite women were new to Israel.
My grandmother was asked when she gave birth, if she wanted to sell her babies to an American Family.
She said no. She also didn't understand the language very well as she was new to the country.
The next day she was told that her son had died and that they had buried him.
She didn't see the body and i guess just believed the hospital.
When my mother was coming of age to the army, a notice
was sent to her and her brother to join. Now if he was
dead then the army wouldn't have sent this notice.
My mother desperately wants to find her brother and believes that he is alive. If there is any way of helping me start looking for him, please let me know. I don't know where to look.
webmaster's note: Liat was contacted with Yechiel Mann, the brilliant researcher who is an expert for this case.
Signed by: Nick Eaden - 3/27/01
My Email: MrParadise_lb@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Lebanon
Have you been a victim of corruption?: yes , me as every single lebanese or Palestini , we were victim of corruption by Israeli zionnist , who came in too our land by force and tried to convince the world that they have right in his land cause God said so , Well if God said so , why did they t
Would you like to share your story?: read above
Sally - 3/22/01 12:58:22
Where are you from?: NY
Have you been a victim of corruption?: no
I think stoping abuse of aliens is a good and worthy cause. But, my pets are like family to me.
Please be kind to the pets too!
Signed by: Not important - 2/26/01 05:48:00
My Email:
Where are you from?: Israel
I am surprised that someone like you who searches the truth is a member of a "Palestinians' Webring", which is full of sites promoting lies and anti-semitism. Shame, Busha, Shonde!
Signed by: Charlie Creed - 2/25/01 06:01:59
My URL:http://www.charliecreed.supanet.com
My Email:coolkid@fireball.co.uk
Where are you from?: olney
Have you been a victim of corruption?: NO
Would you like to share your story?: Yes
I love your web site I think it is verry verry