abuse of power כח משחית

כח משחית power abuse


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Stop the Abuse of Power !

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Dear visitor,                                   Revised Feb 2004

    "Stop Abuse of Power" is devoted to righting wrongs.
Reading it, you might never again think of your government and
its judicial system the same way.   The Truth should stand on its merit.

Doron Tal
site owner
    Initially this site was devoted to the countless victims of the American and Israeli judicial systems.   Later I added stuff including a pursuit for peace, and my personal struggle as a whistleblower.   Find here more than 214 HTML pages and over 78 hi-Q MIDI files.   I try harder to make this site informative and correct and update it regularly.   Enjoy surfing in here.
Doron Tal   Karmiel, Israel
  4x4xm since 1964
internet since 1994
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What can you do to abolish abuse of power?

Recall the saying of Plato, the philosopher (427-347 BCE),
"The penalty that good men pay
for not being interested in politics
is to be governed by men worse than themselves.

Q.   Is there reasonable freedom in western democracies?
A.   Read this web-site to find out!

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''Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character,
give him power.'' -Abraham Lincoln, U.S. president (1809-1865)

A link to a free course, "Principles of Human Action"

 abuse of power The Abuse of Power Should be Abolished
a story of a whistle blower

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The masses think they have more influence than they actually do have,
while in fact they are absolutely influenced by the global financial sharks.
Our democracies are the cover up by which the elite groups (political
and business sharks of a country) manipulate the masses. Our legal system is
manipulated to advance the elite interests and oppress any threat to their power.
Still these "democracies" are better than tyrannies that impoverish the masses
quite faster than "democracies" do.
This Stop Abuse Ring site is owned by Doron A. Tal.
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Copyleft1997-2004 Doron A. Tal - anyhow my rights were lost...         ... דורון טל - זכות השימוש בידיכם

stop the abuse of power ניצול לרעה של כח שילטוני - שימוש לרעה בסמכות הכח משחית! הכוח משחית, והכוח המוחלט משחית באופן מוחלט!
power abuse human rights civil rights expose corruption police government power tends to corrupt absolute power corrupts absolutely!
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