צ"גב לש תיפוס הטלחה
השארב םידמועהו הנידמה תוטילקרפ לש רשויה רסוח תא השיחממ תיפוסה הטלחהה
צ"גב לש םייניבה תטלחה
ןלהל 'ר תונותיעב החוודש הדיחיה
צ"גב לש תיפוס הטלחה
השארב םידמועהו הנידמה תוטילקרפה לש רשויה רסוח תא השיחממ תיפוסה הטלחהה
צ"גב לש םייניבה תטלחה
תונותיעב החוודש הדיחיה
ל''אפרב הטוקנה ''הטיש''ה הפשחנ ובש רחא הרקמ
The final verdict reverses up side down the previous one
Why have the same judges changed their minds?
Has any newspaper published the final verdict? If not, why?
Yesterday Israeli Supreme Court ordered State Attorney to reason within forty five days, why the State would not revoke the dismissal of Dr. Arnon Bone from RAFAEL. Bone said yesterday to Ha`aretz that even though eight years have passed since his dismissal he still wishes to return working. Supreme Court Judges, the President Aharon Barak, and the Judges Itzhak Zamir and Dorit Beinish granted Bone's request, who is represented by Attorney Michal Shaked. The Chief in charge of Labor disputes, Attorney Dalit Gilo said: "This is the case it would be inappropriate to rule that the dismissal is void," although there is no dispute that Bone had been dismissed wrongfully. In her opinion, the Supreme Court should not rule that the dismissal is void. There are for four reasons: Dr. Bone has known for a long time that he was about to be dismissed; he was not put to an appropriate position; he left for an unpaid vacation, intending to leave RAFAEL, but he returned in an attempt save his Sabbatical and he has been receiving pension. She said, during the last years he worked at RAFAEL there were many complaints about his low productivity. He was unfit and therefore dismissed. His dismissal was approved by the Minister of Defense and the manager of this office. Dr. Bone, formerly senior officer at RAFAEL, worked there twenty one years. He was inter alia the manager of man power. |
Published in Ha`aretz © June 30, 1997