The wrong verdict!

I was alleging to be a victim of a plot to remove me from RAFAEL (Israeli Armament Development Authority), because I was a Whistle Blower.   An American citizen holding dual citizenship, Dr. Moshe M. Lavid, had allegedly networking with RAFAEL.   Apparently he collaborated with the State of Israel in defrauding the United States.   If you do read Hebrew, you might follow the attached pleading documents, filed at Israeli Courts.   The Cause of Action herein is libel, predicated under the provisions of the Israeli Law.
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Doron Tal v. Moshe Lavid (NJ, USA)
seven six employees of RAFAEL
Israeli Armament Development Authority

Ref.  Case No. 1184/97  at Magistrate Court in Petach Tikva, Israel
The lawsuit was filed January 14, 1997       Background Story
The later [good] decision made on June 13, 1999

My lawsuit was partly denied by the District Court in Jerusalem.
Herein photocopy of the May 24, 1999, Partial Verdict.

1st page of the partial Verdict May 24, 1999 2nd page of the partial Verdict May 24, 1999 3rd page of the partial Verdict May 24, 1999 4th page of the partial Verdict May 24, 1999 5th page of the partial Verdict May 24, 1999 6th page of the partial Verdict May 24, 1999 7th page of the partial Verdict May 24, 1999 8th page of the partial Verdict May 24, 1999 9th page of the partial Verdict May 24, 1999

Initial article about this case English, or Hebrew by Mr. Eyal Gutman
was published in a local Israeli magazine "Kol Karmiel"  May 30, 1997

  1. See the complete follow up of this Case LIBEL and Transgression of PRIVACY
    initially filed with a Magistrate Court in Petach Tikva, Israel
    later disposed to the District Court of Jerusalem.
    Liability of RAFAEL's officers was partly denied (May 24, 1999) by Judge Ben-Zimra
    My pending appeal before Higher court was filed on July 13, 1999.

  2. See the follow up of a related Case 2-91/97   breach of employment contract
    at Regional Labor Court in Jerusalem, Israel, now pending in Haifa.

  3. I revoked my petition 3434/98  at the Supreme Court, sitting as the "High Court of Justice"

  4. Why should have the "High Court of Justice" covered-up corruption?

Other cases of a conspiracy against civil servants:

Ha`aretz: RAFAEL is ordered by Supreme Court, in the matter of Dr. Arnon Bone

Ha`aretz: RAFAEL is condemned by Supreme Court, in the matter of Mr. Israel F.

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